polar mariner book cover

Polar Mariner: Beyond the limits in Antarctica by Captain Tom Woodfield

A dramatic story of true endeavour and exploration in the footsteps of the early pioneers.

Navigating Antarctic seas for 20 years supporting British scientific stations, the author explored and surveyed the uncharted ice-filled waters in often ferocious weather.

Descriptions of the majestic scenery and wildlife complemented bt historical tales of exploration and seamanship.

The author Captain Woodfield went to sea aged sixteen, joining the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey and subsequently became the foremost Polar navigator of the century, attaining the furthest South for any vessel in the Weddell Sea. He joined the Board of Trinity House, sailed in a Round the World yacht race, supported Sir Ranulph Finnes on his transglobal venture and sailed with Sir Robin Knox Johnston in the sail training vessel Malcolm Miller.

A man with a great story to tell, with his 20 seasonal voyages to the Antarctic between 1955 to 1974, starting as a Junior Deck Officer and working up as Captain of the RSS John Briscoe. A remarkable story, from a remarkable man.

The book has wonderful colour illustrations and charts, and a book I wish would never end.

Richard Fernley

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