the lost sailors book cover

The Lost Sailors by Jean-Claude Izzo

This is truly a gripping story of a merchant ship that has been impounded due to the owner’s bankruptcy. If you have ever been to Port-de-Bouc then you are in the right part of the world – Marseilles.

Although a fictional account, you can understand that the author has experience of the sea, he knows and understands the frustrations of the seafarer, the trials and tribulations experienced by the Officers and Crew.

Without giving too much of the story away, the crew of the Aldebaran are impounded in Marseilles, and onboard the men are divided, either wait for the money owed them, which might never come or accept their fate and abandon ship?

The Captain is determined to save his charge and stand by his men. Tensions arise for each of these marooned sailors.

The story is a bit racy in parts and not for the feint hearted. A great read from someone who understands the seafarer.

Richard Fernley

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