The Tower Hill Memorial is in the gardens of Trinity Square, London and commemorates the men and women of the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleet who gave their lives in both world wars and who have no known grave but the sea.
Maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission this is not a place of rank, status or even pomp. It is imposing place as one views the Portland stone that commemorate nearly 12,000 names from the First World War. It is also a humbling place, as one walks around sunken garden that records nearly 24,000 British and Commonwealth names from World War Two.
On Sunday 11 November 2018, this memorial was our focus to mark the centenary of the ending of the First World War. Several hundred ancient mariners, friends, families and tourists gathered in remembrance. As if choreographed, a few minutes before 1100 the treating rain clouds drifted away and a warming autumn sun shone on the assembled as they engaged in a short service of wreaths laying.
The RFA was represented by Commodore Duncan Lamb and the RFA Association by Tom Adams.