Merchant Navy Day – Commemorative Service and Reunion 2018

In the presence of The Second Sea Lord Vice Admiral Tony Radakin CB RN, Commodore Duncan Lamb CMMar RFA and accompanied by the Band of HM Royal Marines Portsmouth, several hundred increasingly ancient mariners, friends and families gathered in Trinity Square Gardens, London.

The Tower Hill Memorial, also known as the Merchant Navy Memorial, is not a place of status, rank or even pomp. It is both an imposing and sombre place commemorating the men and women from across the world who sailed under the Red Ensign.

This 2018 Service and Reunion was noticeably smaller than previous years, and the marching step was slower. Nonetheless, in the warm sunshine cooled by a challenging ‘maritime’ breeze over 50 Standards of the MNA and various other organisations mustered. These included the RFAA National Standard (in the care of Brian Taylor) and RFAA London Standard (in the care of Gordon Monks). The short multi-faith service had a heavy focus marking 100 years since the ending of World War One. Wreaths were laid. Derek Pevier laid the wreath representing RFAA London and John Caruana laid one representing the RFAA in Malta.

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